I used to find the process of opening Home Lab ports to the public network inconvenient and insecure. Recently, I configured Xray-core to access the internal network and decided to document the SSH configuration along the way.

P.S. In fact, using Wireguard is a more elegant and secure solution, but Xray-core can simultaneously implement traffic routing, making it seem like the only choice.

Linux and MacOS

Linux and Mac come with netcat installed by default, so you can use a proxy directly when using SSH.

ssh -o ProxyCommand="nc -X 5 -x %h %p" root@address

Here, -X specifies the socks protocol, -x specifies the local proxy port, and %h and %p are used as placeholders for the target address and port.

SSH Configuration

Adding any of the following code snippets to .ssh/config will enable automatic connections.

Host ip.ip.ip.ip
  	ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p
	# IdentityFile: If accessing via a key, you can input the private key address here.
Host test
    HostName ip.ip.ip.ip
  	ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p
    User root
	# IdentityFile: If accessing via a key, you can input the private key address here.

The above two commands allow access through ssh root@address and ssh test, and you can add the private key address as needed.